

Arash's blog to share little snippets of everything — code, experiences, and other fascinating stories to share.

Arash Nur Iman

Hello there! My name is Arash Nur Iman. I'm a student developer from Singapore ardent about creating designed, intuitive, and practical products using technology.

(psst, read more about me in my website!)

I created function() as an avenue to share my code, experiences, and other fascinating stories to the world. I admit that I still have a long way to go to be just somebody in this fast-paced world, but I figured: why not create a blog just to document my journey along the way at the same time?

Since starting my journey as a developer, I had the opportunity to come across many blogs by different developers out there. I was inspired and intrigued at how each had its own style, as if an extension of the developer behind the blog. I wanted to make a blog of my own (that had actual meaning and direction) for a long time; I had many failed attempts at blogging, and realised only later on that a purpose was key.

I'm still embarking on the journey of learning something new (maybe not) everyday. There's still a lot for me to learn and grow, but I hope that sharing what's going on through a simple blog might help others who come across this blog!

To get started, take a look at my first blog post — Hello, world!. I can't thank you enough for being here. I hope that you might learn a thing or two, or maybe the other round of me learning from you too. I'm free for a chat on email anytime, if you'd like to leave a comment, give some feedback, or simply say hi! Thank you for visiting; go forth and create awesome things!